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{ FREE CROCHET PATTERN } Curtain Tie-Backs

Free Crochet Pattern featured image for curtain tie-backs

Free Pattern for Crochet Curtain Tie-Backs

Have you ever bought something and then thought: “I could totally make this myself!”

crochet curtain tie-back collage with tropical flowers

This happens to me all the time — usually I can catch myself before I buy the thing. However, I was preparing to host a big couples wedding shower for my sister-in-law and her fiancé and really needed some tie-backs for my new curtains. We’ve been in our new house for almost a year, but I’m still decorating and getting things organized. It will probably take a few more years at this rate!

Anyway, I went to my trusty quick-shopping friend (Amazon), and started hunting for curtain tie-backs. I found a few options and picked a set that could be delivered by the end of the week and made the purchase. I only got four ties to make sure I liked them before buying four more to cover all my curtains (we have a lot of windows!). The tie-backs arrived and I really liked them! I went back to order the other four and they were SOLD OUT! I was brainstorming how I would make four ties into eight when I realized I could just crochet my own. I grabbed my jute twine and a crochet hook and came up with this pattern. I liked the look of the twine ties so much better than the ones I got from Amazon and was able to make all eight ties in one night (and at a fraction of the cost!).

So without further ado, please enjoy this super simple free pattern for crochet curtain tie-backs!


  • Jute Twine for the same look as mine, or you could use any type or weight yarn (just be sure to adjust the length as needed to match your particular curtains!)
  • Size N/10mm and L/8mm crochet hooks
  • Yarn Needle
  • Scissors


This pattern only uses one stitch: HDC (Half-Double Crochet)

Note: Total initial chain count should be based on the length needed to hold back your curtains. Please measure and adjust depending on how bulky your curtains are. 🙂

Crochet Curtain Tie-Backs Pattern

With N/10mm hook

Chain 30 (got bigger curtains? Extend chain as long as you need!)

Pull last loop out about 2 inches to form first hanging loop.

Chain row of curtain tie-back pattern

Switching to L/8mm Hook

Insert hook into ch #30, pull up a loop, yarn over and continue with a HDC into that same chain space.

HDC in each chain across (30).

Once you’ve completed your last HDC, pull your loop out about 2 inches to form the other hanging loop.

Completed curtain tie-back and ball of twine

Grab the tail from your starting chain and your working twine/yarn. Pull them both to the top of the curtain tie and knot them to hold the second hanging loop in place (see photos):

That’s it! About 5 minutes and $0.05 later, you’ve got yourself a super customizable handmade curtain tie-back. 😉

Completed curtain tie-back and ball of twine

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I may earn a small commission from any qualifying purchases made from the links on my blog, at no extra cost to you.


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